ရွမ္းျပည္နယ္(အေရွ႔ပိုင္း) ရွိ တိုင္းရင္းသားလူမ်ိဳးမ်ားအေၾကာင္းကို ခရီးသြား လမ္းညႊန္ ေနရာတြင္ ၾကည့္ရႈႏိုင္ပါသည္။

ဓာတ္ပံု အသံုးျပဳခြင့္ေပးျခင္းအတြက္ ေရႊမင္းသားမွ အထူးေက်းဇူးတင္ပါသည္။
Lahu new year (Kin Wor)
"Kor Jao Way" or Kin Wor, the Lahu tribe's New Year festival, is performed after harvest season. They do not specify the exact date, so Lahu's New Year festival would be in February, March or April. Besides, it is not a must that all Lahu villages have to conduct the ceremony at the same time. Before being cooked, black pigs are killed and sacrificed to God, 'Uu Sa', together with glutinous rice mixed with sesame, which is called 'Or Phu' or Kao Pu.
'Kor Jao Way' takes 12 days and is separated to 2 periods, which are 'Koh Luang' or Big Year, women celebrating, and 'Koh Noi' or Small Year, men celebrating. Both of them take 6 days each. Between the first and the second periods, there is a break for 1-2 days. After the break, they dance 'Ka Ker Way' every night until dawn and during the day time, men play top and women play Sa Ba, we use the seeds of a tree, and a ball made from paddy husk.
In the past the reason why men and woman celebrated seperatly was that Lahu men often had to leave home for many days at a time attending war, trading and hunting, so could not be back home to join 'Kor Jao Way' in time. Nowadays, they still have both 'Koh Luang' and 'Koh Noi', but women and men can celebrate together because they now work closely together.
During New Year festival, they light up the candles in order to pray for peace and wealth to all villagers. If another village celebrates at the same time, Lahu people will go to visit their neighbour taking pork and 'Or Phu' to make merit and join the ceremony by dancing together in the yard, this is called 'Or Ree The Da Way'. A few days later, the village that has been visited will visit their guests in return.
Toward the end of the festival Lahu people will make offerings to the 'Wor Tree' a decorated bamboo structure and 'Uu Sa' to pray for health and richness.
Straight of black hair, good looking of body structure, and with fresh complexion.
Living Place
They lived at Mine Ton, Mine Sat, Mine Sat and Mine Pan Townships around Kyaing Tong District, and eastern Shan State, Myanmar.
They are samples and friendly. They want to lives peacefully.Lahu
They never married to their first cousin. The expense for wedding ceremony is pay from men side.
The Shaman predict from the result of chicken bone prediction for good or bad luck they co-operate in social welfare. The village chief decided on the case of stealing, robbery, murder cases. The chief punish them by demand of cash, or labors for their crimes
Men ware black long pant, coat and black turban. They hold together the red and green clothes at their waist, shoulder and the hand of the shirt. Women ware long black shirt, and use the black turban. Some time woman ware the black cycle strip for Longgyi. They use the silver made ornaments at their neck, some time they decorate the silver coil at their front cover of the shirt.
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